outdoor gallery

Kotis Street Art Outdoor Gallery is a privately-owned outdoor gallery and event space dedicated to street art. The gallery offers 16 paint areas with a total of 46 panel canvases of varying sizes. It’s open to artists — local, national and international — who want to create new and evolving pieces of public art for the community to enjoy.

how it works
Our gallery operates on a curated, pass-based system: artists submit their work to Kotis Street Art as part of the application process. Upon approval, applicants are assigned a panel to paint. There’s no charge to paint, but artists must provide their own paint and supplies.
Buddha’s Belly paint shop is beside the gallery, and is where artists pick up their passes (photo ID required) and sign a waiver. The shop also offers a selection of paint and supplies for artists to purchase at their own expense.
Click on our links above/below to see the rules and for information about applying for a paint permit.
The space is also available for rent for events. Please contact Kotis Street Art for availability and rates.
Painting Permit must be worn outside of all clothes while painting on any surface in the Kotis Street Art Gallery walls area located at 1316 Lee’s Chapel Road.
The following rules must be observed at all times in the Kotis Street Art Gallery area:
Painting is only for those who have applied for and received a permit - no other painting or graffiti is allowed on this property or the center.
This is private property, not a public park and we reserve the right to refuse access to anyone at anytime.
Kotis reserves the right to cancel the permit in its complete discretion, for any reason, or no reason.
No using, possession, or sale of controlled substances.
No camping
No commercial messages, corporate logos or references are to be painted on the walls except as commentary on such logos.
ARTISTS must be 18 years of age or older to use spray paint in the Kotis Street Art Gallery area. Minors are allowed with adult supervision.
Permits may not be transferred and at completion of project and must be returned to Staff or destroyed.
ARTISTS agree to not paint or mark any surfaces other than those to which the permit applies in or around the Kotis Street Art Gallery area without express written permission from Kotis.
ARTISTS must keep the area where they are painting free of all trash while painting and upon completion of their work regardless of whether the trash is theirs or not.
Stop painting and complete clean-up all paint and supplies must be removed from the site. (no using the center dumpster)
Properly and securely dispose of all paint offsite by 10:30pm.
Kotis reserves the right to restrict or remove any artwork they deem inappropriate. Artwork that contains the following content is not permitted:
1. Hate speech
2. Extreme or gratuitous violence
3. Pornography
4. Illicit drug references
5. Gang references
6. Profanity
7. Or any other content, which would be prohibited from public display due to its graphic or obscene nature.
The Kotis Street Art Gallery area is a privately owned gallery and outdoor event space on privately owned land that is used by a wide variety of people for a wide variety of activities. Because diverse people often pass through this area on their way to other sites in the area, it is necessary to limit some specific content displayed in this limited public forum.
The 46 panels placed throughout the gallery. These panels are labeled by number and letter. Please make sure your permit corresponds to the correct panel label. Painting is not allowed on any other surfaces in and around the gallery.